
Tentative Chapter List

“Does Barry Manilow Know You Raid His Wardrobe?”:
Themes of Authority and Rebellion
In American Movies About High School

Introduction – Lots of Whys and a Few Disclaimers

Vignette: Frederick Wiseman’s High School

The Teen Film Comes of Age – How The Breakfast Club Established a Genre

With Friends Like These – Authority and Rebellion Between Peers

“When You Grow Up Your Heart Dies” – Parents, Teachers, Principals and Other Full-Grown Bores

Truancy, Delinquency, and Dysfunction – Ferris Bueller and the Death of the Grownup

Over Your Dead Body – On Making Your Life Your Own

Vignette: Gus Van Sant’s Elephant and how today’s high school movies are missing the boat (aren’t school shootings the teen suicides of today?) Also: United States of Leland

Epilogue #1: From Porky’s to Superbad – The Present State of High School Movies, and the… um, Rise of the Teen Sex Comedy

Epilogue #2: Thumbsuckers, Chumscrubbers, and Bricks – The Proper Heirs to the High School Movie Legacy


Anonymous said...

I really like this chapter list. Especially "When you Grow up your heart dies." I'm a bit unclear about your "vignettes" and how they'll work... I LOVE the epiloque on Porky's to Superbad, though I'm almost convinced that alone could be a thesis topic. Have you found much research in that vein?

e said...

I'm thinking now that the last two epilogues will probably just be one chapter: like a "now playing: the current state of the high school movie". Something like that. I don't want to write a chapter about "Superbad", and I don't even want to see "Porky's". I've made it this far without it. I did like "Superbad", though.

The "vignettes" will just be really short chapters. Maybe a little open-ended, like just a thought to help the flow from one bigger idea to the next.